
ren © 2020

and the more recent ones , Nov 2024.

- An experimental publishing project.
- Spanning image, text and sound.
- Established in 2019.
- Produced in collaboration with artist Cillian Finnerty and designer Irene
Mansoldo of dots.press. 

- Displayed at Dublin Art Book Fair, Temple Bar Gallery and Studios, Dublin.
November 2024. 

- Broadcast on RTM.FM, Taco Gallery London, January 2025.

Text/ spoken text/ image/ sound.

A4/ 36mins.

bandcamp link 

RTM.FM broadcast 

Images courtesy of the artist and Way Bad Press. 

listening to , Sep 2024.

- Micro-residency & subsequent immersive listening event.
- Spanning writing excercises, field recordings, sound production. 
-Produced in collaboration with musician Marianna Hradilkova, designer Irene Mansoldo and  artist Elysia Tuohy.

-An event as part of Zeitgeist Irland 24, an exhibition programme across Germany. 

Soundscape/ text/ spoken text/ installation. 


performance recording

Images courtesy of Irene Mansoldo. 



coffee stained carnations, Feb 2024.

- Collage work of image and text. 

- Featured in online publication pdf.magazine.

- Presented at pdf.magazine launch Daylight, Glasnevin, Dublin. 

Image/ text. 

21x 29.7cm.

pdf.mag issue

Images courtesy of the artist.



small moments, Aug 2023.

- Image based installation.

- Featured in group exhibition Zwischenraume, Kunstverein Gera e.V, Germany. 

Digital print on perforated vinyl / slide projection.

244cm x 91.5cm/ 35mm glass mounted slides / 3min. 

Images courtesy of Jannis Suffrecht.

connecting the dots, Mar 2023.

- Collaborative radio broadcast on Irene Mansoldo’s radio show.

- Dublin Digital Radio.

Sound collage.


sound work 

Images courtesy of Irene Mansoldo